New Leaders Elected to the Council’s Executive

The past year presented many challenges for all of us, but it has also proven our resilience. For a little over a year, the organization was limited in both its visibility and functionality. Several members of the Board of the Directors resigned for personal and professional reasons, leaving an Interim Board in place to ensure the continuation and rejuvenation of the Council.

At our Annual General Meeting on June 30th 2021, new leaders were elected to the Board of the Trinidad and Tobago Green Building Council for the 2021-2022 term. We welcomed Colin Cockburn as the new President, along with five other members, all charged with providing the organization and its membership with new direction, focus, commitment, and energy.

Held virtually for the first time, the meeting was chaired by a member of our Interim team, who opened and reminded us of the role and function of the Board of Directors – which included responsibilities for fostering Green Building practices throughout Trinidad and Tobago, developing programmes and other initiatives directed toward the education of professionals and the general public, representing professionals involved in the Green Building industry, and contributing to the development of applicable building codes.

Our newly elected Board consists of our President, Mr Colin Cockburn, Founder and Director of Ecozia Ltd; Secretary, Mr Ricardo Newallo, Registered Architect and Director of Sustainability at ACLA Architecture; VP Research and Development, Mr Kefim Lewis, Registered Mechanical Engineer and Construction Manager; Treasurer, Mr Stein Carrington, Principal Architect of Stein Carrington Architect Ltd; VP Advocacy and Awareness, Mr David Fojo, Managing Director and Lead Architect of Fojo Design & Develop Ltd; and VP Marketing and Communications, Mr Adelwyn Holder, Certified Management Consultant and Managing Director of Ikigai Consulting Ltd.

The only position not filled was that of VP Public Relations. Notwithstanding, Ms Annabelle Castagne has expressed a strong interest in the position and is expected to be unanimously elected by the Board at its first Executive Meeting, scheduled for later this month. Mr Devanand Ragbir stands as our Immediate Past President.

In addressing the meeting following the election, our VP Marketing and Communication expressed a desire to see more members of the organization taking a proactive and participatory role in helping to spread and fulfill the mission of Council, whilst promoting the widespread adoption of green building standards, technologies, and practices throughout the country.

The TTGBC remains ever grateful to its Founding Members, Directors, and Past Executive Members who have worked diligently to raise the public profile of the organization and its initiatives over the years. We do look forward to the future with renewed hope and vigour.