Joel Le Gendre

Joel Le Gendre holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Master’s Degree in Production Engineering & Management from the University of the West Indies. His key areas of interest revolve around manufacturing – development of systems, process design and improvement, with a special focus on Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing. From this background he developed a passion for sustainability in product design, waste reduction, energy efficiency and circular economy practices.

Joel has been a member of the TTGBC since 2013 and has previously served as Treasurer for periods 2015 to 2016 and 2016 to 2017. He believes that as citizens of the planet and Trinidad & Tobago, the task of proper stewardship of our resources and the environment rests in each of our hands. Education and engaging awareness at all levels of our society are key in developing a strong culture of sustainability in Trinidad & Tobago and the region.