Presenting your 2018-2019 Executive

Introducing the 2018/2019 TTGBC Executive

On November 22nd, TTGBC held its AGM at the beautiful Savanah East building, one of two LEED green buildings in Trinidad & Tobago certified by the US Green Building Council. President Devanand Ragbir welcomed members and guests and presented a year in review. He spoke at length about the recently launched Smarter Building Network, a TTGBC initiative designed to build foundational awareness while recognizing and rewarding commercial businesses for being proactive with sustainability measure in the areas of energy efficiency, water efficiency, recycling and the use of renewable energy in their workplace.

Also at the AGM, the new executive for 2018/2019 term was elected: Devanad Ragbir (President), Alyssa Kurbanali (Secretary), Mandilee Newton (Treasurer), Chad Lue Choy (VP, Marketing & Communications), Marcia Cliffin (VP, Public Relations), Colin Cockburn (VP, Research & Development) and David Fojo (VP, Advocacy).

More images of the event can be viewed in the gallery.